Monday, February 1, 2010

Doodle Hits Big Screen at "Providence Children's Film Festival"

This fall I was inspired to finish a short animated film, I began working on last year. I spent a good portion of winter break enhancing and tweaking this film, and in December submitted it to the first annual "Providence Children's Film Festival".

When I learned of this festival, who's goal is to "bring high quality, independent and international children’s films, animation, and documentaries to Rhode Island, and to present them as shared theatrical experiences for the community", I knew this was a perfect fit for my film. My animated short, entitled "Sarah's Story", is about a about an imaginative young girl who's passion for books inspires her to write her own so she can share her adventures with others.

I recently found out my film has been accepted to the festival, where it will be shown on the big screen at the Cable Car Cinema, and/or the RISD Museum. The four day screening will take place over Presidents' Day Weekend (February 12-15), and promises to be an exciting family experience as there will be workshops and presentations, in addition to the big screen fun.

As a student, I feel very fortunate to be a part of this extraordinary event filled with talented professionals, and am so excited for my big-screen premiere!

Check back soon as I will post the screening schedule when I find out. In the meantime, to find out more about the festival visit:

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